No va aportar nous territoris, a excepció d'una efímera presència romana a l'Eufrates després de la derrota dels parts, l'etern enemic de Roma en aquella zona de l'Orient Mitjà, durant el regnat del fundador de la dinastia, Septimi Sever.
En aquesta època, Roma ja havia passat a la defensiva i més que pensar a conquerir nous territoris, estava preocupada per defensar les seves fronteres de les incursions bàrbares, especialment a partir del segle II de la nostra era, un clar període de crisi per a l'Imperi.

9 comentarios:

Unknown dijo...

How to fix the withdrawing error in Coinbase? Are you getting any trouble while withdrawing funds in Coinbase? If yes, you can get in touch with adroit professionals over Coinbase phone number anytime to get immediate and perfect remedies. The experts are available 24/7-365 days in a year to guide users when they face difficulty in Coinbase account. The team supports Coinbase Support NUmber you at every corner and makes sure to stamp out your errors. Dial Coinbase expert’s number and avail the best positive results from the professionals.

jhon karter dijo...

Two-factor authentication problems are a serious issue as it protects your Blockchain account from hacking and other activities as well. To eradicate 2fa issue quickly, you can talk to bunch of individuals as per your convenience via dialing Blockchain Customer Care number. The skilled individuals have years of Blockchain Support NUmber experience and have commendable many resolutions to overcome every single issues. They are always ready to help you with full dedication at any step when you get struck with any problems.

Helpdesk Number dijo...

Is your Gemini account occupied with numerous errors which are difficult to deal with? Are you unable to cash bitcoin in your Gemini account? Newbie’s and well as less tech-savvy users sometimes get in such errors and have no solutions in their kitty to the problems. Under such situations, users can always connect with the team of elite professionals who are always available and can be reached via dialing Gemini customer support which is active around the clock to help you out in every difficult situation. All you can do is reach the customer support team and get the best solutions from the experts itself.

sadsd dijo...

assistance from experienced professionals who are functional around the clock. Feel free to get in touch with the team of professionals via dialing Gemini helpline number. You can dial there number from any part of the world and there is a complete promise that your problems will be resolved by the professionals.


jfnvnisunfd dijo...

Are you facing error while receiving the coin in your Blockchain account? Is this error eating your head but there is still nothing fruitful you can do about it? Well, you don’t have to worry at all as you can speak to the elite professionals via Blockchain customer care phone number which is all the time active and users as per their availability can contact the team and get prolific and opportune results. In case of any trouble, you are advised to speak to the professionals who are always at your service to end the queries. The team puts all the facilities to end the issues.


Delores White dijo...

Binance is the leading online trading company in the world today where users are provided with all the possible measures to protect them from Pune hackers but still users are always daunted by the fact that account might be at risk. Are you also facing account hacked issue in Binance? If yes then directly get in touch with an expert at Binance customer service. The elite professionals at Binance are the ones who can pull you out of this hole and make your experience better than ever. Dial Binance exchange phone number today to get the seamless service. . In case of any support, you can always contact the team of professionals who is there to assist you.


Delores White dijo...

Most often Binance users don’t know about the availability of Tron TRX for the purpose of trading and storing activities. If you are also one of them then call our Binance phone number that has been made available online to ask for the required help. Therefore whenever you are in need of helpdesk, dial our Binance toll-free number without any delay. This is in service round the clock. Connect to the device and enjoy your journey without worrying about the traffic.


sadsd dijo...

Most often Gemini users don’t know about the availability of Tron TRX for the purpose of trading and storing activities. If you are also one of them then call our Gemini phone number that has been made available online to ask for the required help. Therefore whenever you are in need of helpdesk, dial our Gemini toll-free number without any delay. This is in service round the clock. Connect to the device and enjoy your journey without worrying about the traffic.


jfnvnisunfd dijo...

Most often blockchain users don’t know about the availability of Tron TRX for the purpose of trading and storing activities. If you are also one of them then call our blockchain phone number that has been made available online to ask for the required help. Therefore whenever you are in need of helpdesk, dial our blockchain toll-free number without any delay. This is in service round the clock. Connect to the device and enjoy your journey without worrying about the traffic.


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